Instant Eternal (须臾永恒)

Original lyric by Zeno, translated by Orange

Beside me, veils of fog obscure my view,
A lone bird's song; for whom does it coo?
Ripples in water, life's transient play,
From dawn's first light to moon's soft ray.

Whose song does the wind carry?
Filled with fleeting joy and agony.
In my hand, a circle cannot contain,
The heart untethered, bound by no chain.

Butterfly flutters, stirring the air,
Particles rise, beyond compare.
Ponds of emotion, dried and bereft,
Better to sink, than to have nothing left.

Rain in the forest, a symphony's rhythm,
Winding stone path, a journey in mysticism.
Awake, yet dreaming, clear in the haze,
Each grain of sand marks our fleeting days.

Singers can't cross the sunset glow,
Light fades, no answers to show.
In my grasp, the chain snaps and free,
Releasing the tower, pure liberty.

Butterfly dances, light as a gust,
Fleeting momemts in life's thrust.
Tears churn, like a turbulent sea,
I will dive in, with a lotus to be.


非常喜欢 Zeno 的曲子《须臾永恒》,于是试着把它译为了英文。第一次译英文诗歌,水平有限,欢迎大家指正。
